Best Bubble Butt Exercises Of All Time (Benefits, Variations + PDF)

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Bubble Butt Exercises

Best bubble butt exercises for a thicker & bigger butt!

Yup! You heard me. Get the perky butt you’ve always wanted just like J-Lo herself.

In this article, I’ll reveal the best exercises to build the size & thickness of your gluteal muscles. Contrary to the beliefs of many, barbell squats are NOT the best way to build the perfect bubble butt. Although, they can help and are included in this workout.

Keep reading to find out which glute exercises are most effective to get the job done right!

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3 Benefits of Having a Stronger Butt

All things considered, there are many important benefits to having a stronger butt outside of aesthetics. For one, having a stronger derriere has been proven to reduce lower back pain. Lower back pain is often (but not always) the result of weak glutes and lack of hip mobility.

As explained by Grey Cook of FMS (Functional Movement Systems), “The body works in an alternating pattern of stable segments connected by mobile joints. If the pattern is altered – dysfunction and compensation occur.”

In this example, the hips need to be strong and mobile, while the lower back needs to be strong and stabile. Otherwise, the dynamic between the two segments (lower back and hips) is compromised by dysfunction and your risk of injury is thereby heightened.

By and large, there are tremendous benefits to having a stronger butt.

Here are the top 3 benefits:

  • Supports lower back health
  • Reduces the risk of injury and improves physical performance
  • Enhances a multitude of exercises that require the glutes for stability and rotation of the hip

The Anatomy of Your Butt

There are three muscles that comprise this region: the gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus and gluteus medius. In general, these muscles play an important role in hip function, but specifically they perform different roles.

Here’s where they are and what they do:

Glute Maximus: The glute maximus is the largest muscle of the glute triad and plays an important role is hip extension (think walking or running) and hip external rotation.

Glute Medius: The glute medius is located on the outside of your hip and is responsible for hip abduction, internal rotation and stability of of the hip.

Glute Minimus: The glute minimus is located beneath the glute medius and is also responsible for hip abduction, internal rotation and stability of the hip.

Here’s a visual of these muscles from BodyRock.

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How To Build A Bigger Butt?

Building a bigger butt is not as easy as one might think. That is, without the right program.

Regardless of your level of experience, I know how confusing it can be to determine which exercises are actually the best ones to help with your end goal—shapely and strong glutes.

Of course, I probably confused you with the claim (which might be controversial) that squats are NOT the best way to develop the gluteus maximus. Even though this not entirely true, as squats do work the buttocks, I feel that there are better, more effective glute exercises to help facilitate muscle growth.

So which glute exercise is more effective in building a bigger butt?

Survey says: Hip Thrusts!

For one, the hip thrust exercise engages the glute muscles amazingly well. Not only that, you’ll get great hamstring, adductor and quadricep activation, which in turn helps to support your lower back and reduces the risk of injury. So once again, without strength, mobility and stability you’re hanging on the precipice of injury disaster.  

How To Do The Dumbbell Hip Thrust

Time needed: 1 minute

How to Properly do the Dumbbell Hip Thrust with Perfect Form and Technique Every Time

  1. Initial Set-up

    Equipment Needed: You’ll need a weight bench or glute bench plus a dumbbell that matches your strength level. If you’re using a glute bench, make sure you have the bench secured against something solid to avoid it sliding out behind you.

    Thruster Bench - Glute Bench For Hip Thrusts | Body360 Fit
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  2. How To Begin

    Begin in a seated position with your butt smashed into the glute bench. Your shoulders blades should be placed against the bench as well. You can apply the same technique for positioning if you’re using a traditional weight bench as well. The dumbbell should be placed across the hips and your hands should grip it firmly. Position your feet hip-width apart.

  3. Hip Extension/Finish

    Begin the hip extension movement by bracing your core, tightening your butt muscles and pushing through both your right leg and left leg. Next, extend your hips until the pelvis and femur (thigh) are parallel with the floor. Hold each repetition for 1-2 seconds and lower your butt to the floor. Note: The ascent and descent are controlled. Avoid quick, jerking movements whereby compensation occurs and places stress on the lower back.

3 Common Hip Thrusts To Avoid

Dumbbell Placement

It’s very common to see the dumbbell incorrectly placed across the abdominal region. Avoid doing this. It’s uncomfortable and places undue stress on that region. Instead the dumbbell should be placed across you hips, NOT your stomach.

Neck Alignment

Your neck should be neutral. Your eyes should be facing forward when you’re in the starting position which is seated. As you push through your right foot and left foot and extend your hips, your eyes should track towards the ceiling in this supine position. Note: The body follows where the eyes go.

Choose the Right Weight

Begin with a light weight to learn the proper form and avoid injury. I understand that the goal is to build a large, round butt. However, you need to build up to using heavier weights. The 3 month program is designed for safety and progression and choosing the correct weight for your exercise level is very important.

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The Best Bubble Butt Exercises

So, you want to build a bigger butt and you’re not sure how to go about it? Well, I lay it all out nicely for you.

Here are the best exercises to grow you glutes:

Symmetrical Stance (Two Legs):

  • Thruster Bench Hip Extension (Banded and Weighted)
  • KB Goblet Squats
  • DB Sumo Squats
  • Offset Squat
  • KB Deadlifts
  • KB Sumo Deadlifts
  • Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
  • Split Squat Holds
  • Reaching Lateral Squats
  • Sumo Lateral Squats
  • Goblet Split Squats
  • KB Goblet Reverse Lunges with Valslides

Asymmetrical Stance (One Leg):

  • Reaching Single Leg Deadlifts (SLDL)
  • Foot Elevated One Leg Leg Butt Lift
  • Goblet RFE Split Squat AKA Bulgarian Split Squat
  • Bench One Leg Hip Lift
  • Single Leg Squat with Tennis Ball

Now, let’s put this all together into one cohesive workout program.

How to Integrate These Moves into Your Workout Program

Before beginning the compound movements portion of your workout, it’s important to include a complete dynamic warmup. As a result, you will reduce the risk of injury and long-term hip stability and hip mobility issues. Not only that, a well-versed dynamic warmup is a great way to prime the body for specific movements, as well as address soft tissue (muscle) and mobility issues right then and there.

Here’s the dynamic warm up I recommend:

Foam Rolling:

  • Glutes
  • Hip rotators
  • Quads
  • Adductors (inner thighs)


  • Posterior hip rocks
  • 90/90 ER/IR Hip Stretch
  • Wall quad stretch


  • Hip lifts AKA Glute Bridge
  • Band supported leg lowers
  • 1/2 kneeling adductor rocks
  • Quadruped T-spine Rotations
  • Alternating Spiderman

Mobility Circuit:

  • Ankle mobilizations
  • Split squat with 5 second hold
  • Lateral Squat
  • SLDL (single leg deadlift – supported)

Active Warmup:

  • Hip prep with mini bands
  • Toe touch to squat
  • Knee to chest
  • Leg cradle

Next is the actual workout. Let’s take a look…

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The Big Bubble Butt Exercises Workout

I’m not going to lie, the Bubble Butt Exercises Workout is very difficult, but it will garner significant results if you adhere to the plan consistently. Not to mention you’ll build significant strength, increase size and improve the shape of your buttocks.

Workout Program Key:

  • SLDL = Single Leg Deadlift
  • KB = Kettlebell
  • DB = Dumbbell
  • RFE = Rear Foot Elevated
  • Valslides = Floor Slider Discs
The BB WorkoutMonth 1 – Weeks 1- 4

How-to videos have been included for some exercises. Click the highlighted links for additional BB workout program tutorials.

Day 1 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3Week 4
KB Goblet Squat (Banded)2 x 83 x 83 x 103 x 12
Thruster Bench Hip Extension (Banded)2 x 83 x 83 x 83 x 8
Reaching Single Leg Deadlift (SLDL)2 x 83 x 83 x 83 x 8
Side Plank Clamshell with Mini Band (Knees)2 x 82 x 102 x 102 x 10
Day 2Week 1 Week 2 Week 3Week 4
KB Deadlift 2 x 83 x 83 x 103 x 12
KB Romanian Deadlift2 x 83 x 83 x 83 x 8
Split Squat Hold 2 x :15 each3 x :15 each3 x :20 each3 x :25 each
Reaching Lateral Squat2 x 8 each3 x 8 each3 x 10 each3 x 12 each
Side Plank Clamshell with Mini Band (Knees)2 x 8 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each
Day 3Week 1 Week 2 Week 3Week 4
KB Goblet Split Squat2 x 83 x 83 x 83 x 8
Reaching Single Leg Deadlift (SLDL)2 x 83 x 83 x 83 x 8
Foot Elevated 1 Leg Hip Lift2 x 82 x 103 x 103 x 12
Side Plank Clamshell with Mini Band (Knees)2 x 8 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each

How To Do Reaching Single Leg Deadlift (SLDL)

How To Do The Side Plank Clamshell

Month 2 – Weeks 1-4

Day 1 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3Week 4
KB Goblet Squat3 x 83 x 103 x 123 x 12
KB Goblet Valslide Reverse Lunge3 x 8 each3 x 8 each3 x 8 each3 x 8 each
Side Plank Clamshell with Mini Band (Knees) – Hold :2 Seconds2 x 8 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each
Day 2Week 1 Week 2 Week 3Week 4
2 KB Deadlift 3 x 83 x 103 x 123 x 12
1 Leg Squat with Tennis Ball 3 x 5 each 3 x 6 each3 x 7 each3 x 8 each
Sumo Lateral Squat3 x 83 x 83 x 83 x 8
Side Plank Clamshell with Mini Band (Knees) – Hold :2 Seconds2 x 8 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each
Day 3Week 1 Week 2 Week 3Week 4
2 DB Split Squat3 x 8 each3 x 8 each3 x 8 each3 x 8 each
Cable SLDL3 x 8 each3 x 8 each3 x 8 each3 x 8 each
Bench 1 Leg Hip Lift 2 x 8 each2 x 10 each2 x 12 each2 x 12 each
Side Plank Clamshell with Mini Band (Knees) – Hold :2 Seconds2 x 8 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each

How To Do The 1 Leg Squat With Tennis Ball

How To Do The Side Plank Clamshell/Reverse Clamshell

Month 3 – Weeks 1-4

Day 1 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3Week 4
Offset Squat3 x 5 each3 x 6 each3 x 7 each3 x 7 each
2 DB Valslide Reverse Lunge3 x 8 each3 x 8 each3 x 8 each3 x 8 each
Side Plank Clamshell/Reverse Clamshell with 2 Mini Bands (Knees, Ankles)2 x 8 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each
Day 2Week 1 Week 2 Week 3Week 4
KB Deadlift3 x 83 x 103 x 123 x 12
1 Leg Squat3 x 5 each3 x 6 each3 x 7 each3 x 8 each
Foot Elevated 1 Leg Hip Lift (With :2 Hold)2 x 82 x 102 x 122 x 12
Side Plank Clamshell/Reverse Clamshell with 2 Mini Bands (Knees, Ankles)2 x 8 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each
Day 3Week 1 Week 2 Week 3Week 4
Goblet RFE Split Squat 3 x 8 each3 x 8 each3 x 8 each3 x 8 each
1 DB SLDL3 x 8 each3 x 8 each3 x 8 each3 x 8 each
Sumo Lateral Lunge2 x 8 each2 x 8 each2 x 8 each2 x 8 each
Side Plank Clamshell/Reverse Clamshell with 2 Mini Bands (Knees, Ankles)2 x 8 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each2 x 10 each


All in all, building a bigger butt isn’t as difficult as you’d think with the right program! You see, success in the gym is only limited by your commitment and consistency.

FACT: If you stay focused and follow the program as I’ve laid it out, you will get the RESULTS. Do not deviate from the exercise sequence.

I understand the weight-bearing exercises listed in this program will be new or even confusing for some of you. Therefore, I recommend that you take the time necessary to watch the videos and learn the proper form and technique of each of these functional strength training movements.

As can be seen, this 3 month program is well-balanced and designed in a very specific way. In effect, you’ll progress in a safe manner, without the risk of overtraining and eliminating potential injury.

In closing, I enjoyed creating this article immensely and hope you found it to be informative.

Until next time,

Christian Graham—NSCA-CPT, CFSC, FMS2

Functional Strength & Mobility Specialist – @Body360Fit

PS. Did you enjoy this “Bubble Butt Exercises” tutorial? If so, please share it with your friends on twitter, facebook and pinterest.

PPS. If you have have any questions, please leave them in the comments below or reach out via the contact form.

Additional Learning

How To Do A Superman Plank [Benefits & Muscles Work]

CLICK HERE To Start Building a Stronger Core Now.

Complete Guide To Proper Pushup Form [16 Videos + Infographic]

CLICK HERE To Read My Beginner Pushups Story and Gain Access to the Full Guide.

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2 thoughts on “Best Bubble Butt Exercises Of All Time (Benefits, Variations + PDF)”

  1. Hi! This is amazing. And thank you so much for sharing it without charging a ridiculous amount of money.
    I have a question, granted that weights are individual and the starting point should be at the discretion of the trainee, how would you suggest I increased weights?

    • Hi Renata! I’m so glad that you found the article to be helpful. There are several ways to safely manage weight increases through progressive overload. One of the easiest and most common ways is the “2 for 2” rule, whereby you increase resistance training weight for any given exercise only after completing two additional reps for your last set for two weeks in a row. Example: Let’s say you’ve been doing 3 sets of Dumbbell Goblet Squats for 8 reps at 30lbs. You can increase the weight once you can consistently squat 10 reps for your last set for two weeks. In this case, I’d increase to a 35lb dumbbell. I hope this example helps. Please let me know if you need further clarification. You can also email me at [email protected]

      Keeping pushing! Christian 💪


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