We get glucose from the foods we eat, which is then turned into energy by our cells. However, too much glucose in the blood can lead to problems later, such as diabetes. According to the University of Maryland, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is an antioxidant found in many common foods. ALA is used by the body’s cells to convert glucose into energy for use by the body—not only helping your body to utilize nutrients for daily activities but also to cleanse the blood supply of too much excess sugars.
ALA, like many other antioxidants, removes free radicals from the body. Free radicals are potentially damaging substances that circulate through the bloodstream. If left unchecked in the circulation, free radicals can damage your cells, sometimes irreversibly. Extensive cell damage can lead to greater health problems down the line, such as organ and tissue damage. ALA helps to head off this process and make you healthier in general. ALA is found in foods such as yeast, liver, spinach and potatoes.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the use of ALA for not only healthful body functioning but also for the battle against more egregious health concerns is well documented. ALA is utilized as a remedy for diabetes symptoms such as pain and numbness in the extremities. Also, the Mayo Clinic cites that ALA has been shown to assist in heading off memory loss, chronic fatigue syndrome, heart and blood disease as well as assisting HIV/AIDS and cancer patients. ALA can also be efficacious in combating eye disorders.
ALA is found in many nutritional supplements, including ours at Body360. ALA in our supplements helps you work out longer and more efficiently, but also it works internally where you can’t see—assisting your body to convert the sugars in your foods into cellular energy. The energy of your cells fuels your workouts and makes you a better you in the gym and while you’re at home, not working out or even just sleeping. ALA is an essential part of any supplement regimen, and when used properly, it will aid your glucose processing and aid on your path towards being healthier.